Myanmar military to launch new newspaper

Myanmar's military will launch a new daily newspaper on 27 March, to mark the 66th anniversary of Armed Forces Day, says sources.

The Myawaddy daily will be run by the military's Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare, one of the new daily's employees said on Friday.

The newspaper's launch comes at a time when the military is supposedly withdrawing from politics. The country held its first election in 20 years on November 7, and will set up a new elected government by April 1.

Although elected, the new government will be dominated by ex-military men who packed the winning party - the Union Solidarity and Development Party - and by the senate, one-quarter of whom were appointed by the military.

The Myawaddy will be Myanmar's fourth daily newspaper.

Kyaymon, Myanma Ahlin and the English-language New Light of Myanmar are all under the Ministry of Information.

The headquarters of Myawaddy will be in Naypyitaw, Myanmar's capital since 2005.

Myanmar has been under military dictatorships since 1962 and is ranked among the world's most repressive regimes in regards to press freedom.

SOURCE:Myanmar military to launch new newspaper
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia
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